
  1. Install system dependencies.

    >> sudo apt-get update
    >> sudo apt-get install -y freeglut3-dev
    >> sudo apt-get install -y libglib2.0-0
    >> sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
  2. [Option A] Create a Conda environment using the provided environment.yaml.

    >> conda create -n vista python=3.8
    >> conda env update --name vista --file ./environment.yaml
  3. [Option B] Install the following python dependencies.

  4. Install VISTA from PyPi.:

    >> pip install vista
  5. Try to import Vista.

    >> python -c "import vista"
  6. Download and extract sample dataset from here. For more details, check Data Format.


Dataset above is a small sample dataset to test functionality. Much more data and environments to come!