Basic Usage

Simple Controller With Simulator State

We first start with simulating car motion only without synthesizing sensory measurements, as an example of accessing vehicle state for control. We start with defining a world in VISTA, adding a car, and attaching display to the world for visualization.

import vista

world = vista.World(trace_path,
                    trace_config={'road_width': 4})
car = world.spawn_agent(config={'length': 5.,
                                'width': 2.,
                                'wheel_base': 2.78,
                                'steering_ratio': 14.7,
                                'lookahead_road': True})
display = vista.Display(world)

There are more parameters that can be set in trace_config and car_config, which can be seen in the API documentation. Note that lookahead_road = True make car to keep a cache of the position of road within a certain distance centered at the car.

Then we reset the environment and control the car to move in the simulator.


while not car.done:
    action = state_space_controller(car)

    vis_img = display.render()

The state_space_controller function defines a controller that takes simulator states as input and produces an action for the agent. In the following, we show several examples of how we can control the car to do lane stable control with the access to Simulator states. The simplest controller is simply following how humans drive in the dataset.

def follow_human_trajectory(agent):
    action = np.array([
    return action

We can also implement a simple pure pursuit controller for steering command (curvature).

from vista.utils import transform
from vista.entities.agents.Dynamics import tireangle2curvature

def pure_pursuit_controller(agent):
    # hyperparameters
    lookahead_dist = 5.
    Kp = 3.
    dt = 1 / 30.

    # get road in ego-car coordinates
    ego_pose = agent.ego_dynamics.numpy()[:3]
    road_in_ego = np.array([
        transform.compute_relative_latlongyaw(_v[:3], ego_pose)
        for _v in agent.road

    # find (lookahead) target
    dist = np.linalg.norm(road_in_ego[:,:2], axis=1)
    dist[road_in_ego[:,1] < 0] = 9999. # drop road in the back
    tgt_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(dist - lookahead_dist))
    dx, dy, dyaw = road_in_ego[tgt_idx]

    # simply follow human trajectory for speed
    speed = agent.human_speed

    # compute curvature
    arc_len = speed * dt
    curvature = (Kp * np.arctan2(-dx, dy) * dt) / arc_len
    curvature_bound = [
        tireangle2curvature(_v, agent.wheel_base)
        for _v in agent.ego_dynamics.steering_bound]
    curvature = np.clip(curvature, *curvature_bound)

    return np.array([curvature, speed])

Note that we should replace state_space_controller with either of the above controller (or other custom controller) and you will see a car doing lane following on the road in the dataset.

Synthesizing Sensory Measurements

Then, we show how to attach sensors to a car and synthesize sensory measurements at every timestmap. Currently, RGB camera, LiDAR, and event camera are supported. Following the setup above, we simply spawn sensors on the car object.

Spawning a RGB camera.

camera_config = {'name': 'camera_front',
                 'rig_path': './RIG.xml',
                 'size': (200, 320)}
camera = car.spawn_camera(camera_config)

Spawning a LiDAR.

lidar_config = {'name': 'lidar_3d',
                'yaw_res': 0.1,
                'pitch_res': 0.1,
                'yaw_fov': (-180., 180.)}
lidar = car.spawn_lidar(lidar_config)

Spawning an event-based camera.

event_camera_config = {'name': 'event_camera_front',
                       'rig_path': './RIG.xml',
                       'original_size': (480, 640),
                       'size': (240, 320),
                       'optical_flow_root': '../data_prep/Super-SloMo',
                       'checkpoint': '../data_prep/Super-SloMo/ckpt/SuperSloMo.ckpt',
                       'positive_threshold': 0.1,
                       'sigma_positive_threshold': 0.02,
                       'negative_threshold': -0.1,
                       'sigma_negative_threshold': 0.02,
                       'base_camera_name': 'camera_front',
                       'base_size': (600, 960)}
event_camera = car.spawn_event_camera(event_camera_config)

Remember to check if all paths are valid, e.g., rig_path, optical_flow_root, and checkpoint. We can then start the simulation.


while not car.done:
    action = state_space_controller(car)

    sensor_data = car.observations

    vis_img = display.render()

The sensor_data is a dictionary with keys as names of sensors and values as the synthesized sensor data.

Adding Virtual Cars

We can also add more cars (or potentially other objects) to the simulation, where each car can have different sets of sensors. Note that currently only RGB camera supports rendering for virtual objects in the scene.

world = vista.World(trace_path)
car1 = world.spawn_agent()

car2 = world.spawn_agent()

It spawns two cars, one with RGB camera and the other with LiDAR. Note that, for now, since only RGB camera supports rendering of virtual objects, car2 cannot see car1 with its LiDAR measurement. Note that there are still two major functions to be implemented to make it a reasonable simulation, including initialization of virtual objects and collision check/dynamics across objects. For more details, check vista/task/