""" Helper functions for spatial transformation. Follow right handed
(OpenGL) coordinate system. """
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Any
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
Vec = Union[np.ndarray, List[Any], Tuple[Any]]
[docs]def rot2mat(rot: Vec, seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz') -> np.ndarray:
""" Convert euler vector (with sequence order) to rotation matrix.
rot (Vec): A 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle.
seq (str): The order of the rotation vector, e.g., ``xzy``;
default to ``xyz``.
np.ndarray: A rotation matrix equivalent to the given rotation vector.
R = Rotation.from_euler(seq, rot)
return R.as_matrix()
[docs]def vec2mat(trans: Vec, rot: Vec) -> np.ndarray:
""" Convert translation and rotation vector to transformation matrix.
trans (Vec): A 3-dimensional translation vector.
rot (Vec): A 3-dimensional rotation vector.
np.ndarray: A 4-by-4 transformation matrix in SE(3).
mat = np.eye(4)
mat[:3, 3] = trans
mat[:3, :3] = rot2mat(rot)
return mat
[docs]def euler2quat(euler: Vec,
seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz',
degrees: Optional[bool] = False) -> Vec:
""" Convert Euler rotation to quaternion.
euler (Vec): A 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle.
seq (str): The order of the rotation vector, e.g., ``xzy``;
default to ``xyz``.
Vec: A 4-dimensional vector that describes a quaternion.
R = Rotation.from_euler(seq, euler, degrees)
return R.as_quat()
[docs]def quat2euler(quat: Vec,
seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz',
degrees: Optional[bool] = False) -> Vec:
""" Convert quaternion to Euler rotation.
quat (Vec): A 4-dimensional vector that describes a quaternion.
seq (str): The order of the output Euler rotation vector; default
to ``xyz``.
degrees (bool): Whether to convert the output rotation to degrees
instead of radians; default to ``False``.
Vec: A 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle.
R = Rotation.from_quat(quat)
return R.as_euler(seq, degrees)
[docs]def latlongyaw2vec(latlongyaw: Vec) -> Tuple[Vec, Vec]:
""" Convert lateral, longitudinal, yaw compoenents to translational and
rotational vectors. Note that the longitudinal component will be negated
to follow right-handed OpenGL coordinate system.
latlongyaw (Vec): A 3-dimensional vector with entries as lateral shift,
longitudinal shift, and yaw difference.
Return a tuple (``Vec_a``, ``Vec_b``), where ``Vec_a`` is a 3-dimensional
translation vector and ``Vec_b`` is a 3-dimensional rotation vector in
Euler angle ``xyz``.
lat, long, yaw = latlongyaw
trans = np.array([lat, 0., -long])
rot = np.array([0., yaw, 0.])
return trans, rot
[docs]def vec2latlongyaw(trans: Vec, rot: Vec) -> Vec:
""" Convert translational and rotational vectors to lateral,
longitudinal, yaw compoenents. Note that the y translational
component will be negated to follow right-handed OpenGL
coordinate system.
trans (Vec): A 3-dimensional translation vector.
rot (Vec): A 3-dimensional Euler rotation vector.
Vec: A 3-dimensional vector with entries as lateral shift,
longitudinal shift, and yaw difference.
return np.array([trans[0], -trans[2], rot[1]])
[docs]def compute_relative_latlongyaw(latlongyaw: Vec, latlongyaw_ref: Vec) -> Vec:
""" Compute relative lateral, longitudinal, yaw compoenents.
latlongyaw (Vec): A 3-dimensional vector with lateral,
longitudinal, and yaw component.
latlongyaw_ref (Vec): A reference 3-dimensional vector with lateral,
longitudinal, and yaw component.
Vec: A 3-dimensional vector that describe relative lateral,
longitudinal shift and yaw difference between the given
two vectors.
mat = vec2mat(*latlongyaw2vec(latlongyaw))
mat_ref = vec2mat(*latlongyaw2vec(latlongyaw_ref))
rel_mat = np.matmul(SE3_inv(mat_ref), mat)
rel_trans, rel_rot = mat2vec(rel_mat)
rel_xyyaw = vec2latlongyaw(rel_trans, rel_rot)
return rel_xyyaw
[docs]def SE3_inv(T_in: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
""" More efficient matrix inversion for SE(3).
T_in (np.ndarray): a 4-by-4 transformation matrix in SE(3).
np.ndarray: The inverse of ``T_in``.
R_in = T_in[:3, :3]
t_in = T_in[:3, [-1]]
R_out = R_in.T
t_out = -np.matmul(R_out, t_in)
return np.vstack((np.hstack((R_out, t_out)), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])))
[docs]def mat2vec(mat: np.ndarray,
seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz',
degrees: Optional[bool] = False) -> Tuple[Vec, Vec]:
""" Convert transformation matrix to translational and rotational vectors.
mat (np.ndarray): A 4-by-4 transformation matrix in SE(3).
seq (str): The order of the output Euler rotation vector; default
to ``xyz``.
degrees (bool): Whether to convert the output rotation to degrees
instead of radians; default to ``False``.
Return a tuple (``Vec_a``, ``Vec_b``), where ``Vec_a`` is a 3-dimensional
translation vector and ``Vec_b`` is a 3-dimensional rotation vector in
Euler angle ``xyz``.
trans = mat[:3, 3]
R = Rotation.from_matrix(mat[:3, :3])
rot = R.as_euler(seq, degrees)
return trans, rot
[docs]def pi2pi(angle: float) -> float:
""" Make sure angle is within -pi to pi.
angle (float): Input angle in radians.
float: Output angle that is within range [-pi, pi]
if angle >= np.pi:
angle -= 2 * np.pi
if angle <= -np.pi:
angle += 2 * np.pi
return angle