Source code for vista.utils.transform

""" Helper functions for spatial transformation. Follow right handed
    (OpenGL) coordinate system. """
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Any
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

Vec = Union[np.ndarray, List[Any], Tuple[Any]]

[docs]def rot2mat(rot: Vec, seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz') -> np.ndarray: """ Convert euler vector (with sequence order) to rotation matrix. Args: rot (Vec): A 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle. seq (str): The order of the rotation vector, e.g., ``xzy``; default to ``xyz``. Returns: np.ndarray: A rotation matrix equivalent to the given rotation vector. """ R = Rotation.from_euler(seq, rot) return R.as_matrix()
[docs]def vec2mat(trans: Vec, rot: Vec) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert translation and rotation vector to transformation matrix. Args: trans (Vec): A 3-dimensional translation vector. rot (Vec): A 3-dimensional rotation vector. Returns: np.ndarray: A 4-by-4 transformation matrix in SE(3). """ mat = np.eye(4) mat[:3, 3] = trans mat[:3, :3] = rot2mat(rot) return mat
[docs]def euler2quat(euler: Vec, seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz', degrees: Optional[bool] = False) -> Vec: """ Convert Euler rotation to quaternion. Args: euler (Vec): A 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle. seq (str): The order of the rotation vector, e.g., ``xzy``; default to ``xyz``. Returns: Vec: A 4-dimensional vector that describes a quaternion. """ R = Rotation.from_euler(seq, euler, degrees) return R.as_quat()
[docs]def quat2euler(quat: Vec, seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz', degrees: Optional[bool] = False) -> Vec: """ Convert quaternion to Euler rotation. Args: quat (Vec): A 4-dimensional vector that describes a quaternion. seq (str): The order of the output Euler rotation vector; default to ``xyz``. degrees (bool): Whether to convert the output rotation to degrees instead of radians; default to ``False``. Returns: Vec: A 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle. """ R = Rotation.from_quat(quat) return R.as_euler(seq, degrees)
[docs]def latlongyaw2vec(latlongyaw: Vec) -> Tuple[Vec, Vec]: """ Convert lateral, longitudinal, yaw compoenents to translational and rotational vectors. Note that the longitudinal component will be negated to follow right-handed OpenGL coordinate system. Args: latlongyaw (Vec): A 3-dimensional vector with entries as lateral shift, longitudinal shift, and yaw difference. Returns: Return a tuple (``Vec_a``, ``Vec_b``), where ``Vec_a`` is a 3-dimensional translation vector and ``Vec_b`` is a 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle ``xyz``. """ lat, long, yaw = latlongyaw trans = np.array([lat, 0., -long]) rot = np.array([0., yaw, 0.]) return trans, rot
[docs]def vec2latlongyaw(trans: Vec, rot: Vec) -> Vec: """ Convert translational and rotational vectors to lateral, longitudinal, yaw compoenents. Note that the y translational component will be negated to follow right-handed OpenGL coordinate system. Args: trans (Vec): A 3-dimensional translation vector. rot (Vec): A 3-dimensional Euler rotation vector. Returns: Vec: A 3-dimensional vector with entries as lateral shift, longitudinal shift, and yaw difference. """ return np.array([trans[0], -trans[2], rot[1]])
[docs]def compute_relative_latlongyaw(latlongyaw: Vec, latlongyaw_ref: Vec) -> Vec: """ Compute relative lateral, longitudinal, yaw compoenents. Args: latlongyaw (Vec): A 3-dimensional vector with lateral, longitudinal, and yaw component. latlongyaw_ref (Vec): A reference 3-dimensional vector with lateral, longitudinal, and yaw component. Returns: Vec: A 3-dimensional vector that describe relative lateral, longitudinal shift and yaw difference between the given two vectors. """ mat = vec2mat(*latlongyaw2vec(latlongyaw)) mat_ref = vec2mat(*latlongyaw2vec(latlongyaw_ref)) rel_mat = np.matmul(SE3_inv(mat_ref), mat) rel_trans, rel_rot = mat2vec(rel_mat) rel_xyyaw = vec2latlongyaw(rel_trans, rel_rot) return rel_xyyaw
[docs]def SE3_inv(T_in: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ More efficient matrix inversion for SE(3). Args: T_in (np.ndarray): a 4-by-4 transformation matrix in SE(3). Returns: np.ndarray: The inverse of ``T_in``. """ R_in = T_in[:3, :3] t_in = T_in[:3, [-1]] R_out = R_in.T t_out = -np.matmul(R_out, t_in) return np.vstack((np.hstack((R_out, t_out)), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])))
[docs]def mat2vec(mat: np.ndarray, seq: Optional[str] = 'xyz', degrees: Optional[bool] = False) -> Tuple[Vec, Vec]: """ Convert transformation matrix to translational and rotational vectors. Args: mat (np.ndarray): A 4-by-4 transformation matrix in SE(3). seq (str): The order of the output Euler rotation vector; default to ``xyz``. degrees (bool): Whether to convert the output rotation to degrees instead of radians; default to ``False``. Returns: Return a tuple (``Vec_a``, ``Vec_b``), where ``Vec_a`` is a 3-dimensional translation vector and ``Vec_b`` is a 3-dimensional rotation vector in Euler angle ``xyz``. """ trans = mat[:3, 3] R = Rotation.from_matrix(mat[:3, :3]) rot = R.as_euler(seq, degrees) return trans, rot
[docs]def pi2pi(angle: float) -> float: """ Make sure angle is within -pi to pi. Args: angle (float): Input angle in radians. Returns: float: Output angle that is within range [-pi, pi] """ if angle >= np.pi: angle -= 2 * np.pi if angle <= -np.pi: angle += 2 * np.pi return angle