Source code for vista.entities.sensors.camera_utils.CameraParams

from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pathlib
from ....utils.parse_params import ParamsFile

[docs]class CameraParams(object): """ The **CameraParams** object stores information pertaining to a single physical camera mounted on the car. It is useful for encapsulating the relevant calibration information for easy access in other modules. Args: rig_path (str): Path to RIG.xml that specifies camera parameters. name (str): Name of the camera identifier to initialize. Must be a valid TopicName and present inside the RIG.xml file. Can also specify `None` to auto grab the first named camera in the RIG.xml file. params (dict): Dictionary camera parameters to instantiate with. If not provided then the rig_path is used Raises: ValueError: if `name` is provided but not found in the rig file. """ def __init__(self, rig_path: str = None, name: str = None, params: dict = None): assert (rig_path is not None) ^ (params is not None) if rig_path is not None: pfile = ParamsFile(rig_path) params, = pfile.parse_camera(name) self._height = int(params['height']) self._width = int(params['width']) self._fx = params['fx'] self._fy = params['fy'] self._cx = params['cx'] self._cy = params['cy'] self._distortion = params['distortion'] self._quaternion = params['quaternion'].reshape(4, 1) self._position = params['position'].reshape(3, 1) self._yaw = params['yaw'] if 'yaw' in params else None self._roi = params['roi'].astype( self._roi_angle = params['roi_angle'] * np.pi / 180. self.__compute_other_forms()
[docs] def resize(self, height: int, width: int) -> None: """ Scales the camera object and adjusts the internal parameters such that it projects images of a certain size. Args: height (int): New height of the camera images in pixels. width (int): New width of the camera images in pixels. """ scale_y = float(height) / self._height scale_x = float(width) / self._width # Update height and width self._width = int(width) self._height = int(height) # Scale focal length self._fx *= scale_x self._fy *= scale_y # Scale optical center self._cx *= scale_x self._cy *= scale_y # ROI roi = [float(x) for x in self._roi] roi = [ roi[0] * scale_y, roi[1] * scale_x, roi[2] * scale_y, roi[3] * scale_x ] self._roi = [int(x) for x in roi] self.__compute_other_forms()
[docs] def crop(self, i1: int, j1: int, i2: int, j2: int) -> None: """ Crops a camera object to a given region of interest specified by the coordinates of the top left (i1,j1) and bottom right (i2,j2) corner. Args: i1 (int): Top row of ROI. j1 (int): Left column of ROI. i2 (int): Bottom row of ROI. j2 (int): Right column of ROI. """ # Focal length stays the same self._fx = self._fx self._fy = self._fy # Height, width adjusted to ROI self._width = int(j2 - j1) self._height = int(i2 - i1) # Translate optical center to new frame of reference # NOTE: optical center (_cx,_cy) is measured from the bottom-right # corner of the image. self._cx -= j1 self._cy -= i2 # ROI self._roi = [ self._roi[0] - i1, self._roi[1] - j1, self._roi[2] - i2, self._roi[3] - j2 ] self._roi = [int(x) for x in self._roi] self.__compute_other_forms()
[docs] def get_height(self) -> int: """ Get the raw pixel height of images captured by the camera. Returns: int: Height in pixels. """ return self._height
[docs] def get_width(self) -> int: """ Get the raw pixel width of images captured by the camera. Returns: int: Width in pixels. """ return self._width
[docs] def get_K(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get intrinsic calibration matrix. Returns: np.array: Intrinsic matrix (3,3). """ return self._K
[docs] def get_K_inv(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get inverse intrinsic calibration matrix. Returns: np.array: Inverse intrinsic matrix (3,3). """ return self._K_inv
[docs] def get_distortion(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the distortion coefficients of the camera. Returns: np.array: Distortion coefficients (-1,). """ return self._distortion
[docs] def get_position(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the 3D position of camera. Returns: np.array: 3D position of camera. """ return self._position
[docs] def get_quaternion(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the rotation in quaternion of camera. Returns: np.array: Rotation in quaternion of camera. """ return self._quaternion
[docs] def get_yaw(self) -> float: """ Get the yaw of the camera relative the frame of reference. Returns: float: Yaw of the camera [rads]. """ if self._yaw is None: raise ValueError( f'camera {}, does not have a yaw in the rig file') return self._yaw
[docs] def get_ground_plane(self) -> List[float]: """ Get the equation of the ground plane. The equation of the ground plane is given by: ``Ax + By + Cz = D`` and is computed from the position and orientation of the camera. Returns: List[float]: Parameterization of the ground plane: [A,B,C,D]. """ return self._ground_plane
[docs] def get_roi(self, axis: Optional[str] = 'ij') -> List[int]: """ Get the region of interest of the images captured by the camera. Args: axis (str): Axis order to return the coordinates in (default 'ij', can also be 'xy'). Returns: List[int]: Coordinates of the ROI box. Raises: ValueError: If `axis` is not valid. """ if axis == 'ij': return self._roi elif axis == 'xy': return [self._roi[i] for i in [1, 2, 3, 0]] else: raise ValueError("invalid axis: " + axis)
[docs] def get_roi_angle(self) -> float: """ Get the angle of the region of interest. Returns: float: The rotation of the ROI box. """ return self._roi_angle
[docs] def get_roi_points(self) -> List: """ Get the points of the region of interest. Returns: List: the list of points surrounding the ROI box """ return self._roi_points
[docs] def get_roi_dims(self) -> Tuple: """ Get the dimensions of the region of interest. Returns: Tuple: Height and width of ROI. """ dims = (int(self._roi_height), int(self._roi_width)) return dims if self._roi_angle < np.pi / 4. else dims[::-1]
def __compute_other_forms(self): self.__compute_intrinsic_matrix() self.__compute_ground_plane() self.__compute_roi() def __compute_intrinsic_matrix(self): self._K = np.array([[self._fx, 0, self._cx], [0, self._fy, self._cy], [0, 0, 1]]) self._K_inv = np.linalg.inv(self._K) def __compute_ground_plane(self): q = self._quaternion.flatten().tolist() p = self._position normal = [ 2. * (q[1] * q[2] + q[3] * q[1]), 1 - 2. * (q[0] * q[0] + q[2] * q[2]), 2. * (q[0] * q[1] - q[2] * q[3]) ] intercept =, normal) self._ground_plane = [normal[0], normal[1], normal[2], intercept[0]] def __compute_roi(self): t = self._roi_angle (i1, j1, i2, j2) = self._roi W = j2 - j1 H = i2 - i1 self._roi_width = (1. / (np.cos(t)**2 - np.sin(t)**2)) * ( W * np.cos(t) - H * abs(np.sin(t))) self._roi_height = (1. / (np.cos(t)**2 - np.sin(t)**2)) * ( -W * abs(np.sin(t)) + H * np.cos(t)) if t < 0: #reverse persective self._roi_points = [ (abs(self._roi_height * np.cos(t)), 0), (H, abs(self._roi_width * np.cos(t))), (abs(self._roi_width * np.sin(t)), W), (0, abs(self._roi_height * np.sin(t))), ] else: self._roi_points = [ (abs(self._roi_width * np.sin(t)), 0), (H, abs(self._roi_height * np.sin(t))), (abs(self._roi_height * np.cos(t)), W), (0, abs(self._roi_width * np.cos(t))), ] self._roi_points = [(i + i1, j + j1) for (i, j) in self._roi_points] self._roi_points = [(j, i) for (i, j) in self._roi_points] self._roi_points = np.int32([self._roi_points])