Source code for vista.entities.agents.Dynamics

from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as ode_solve

from ...utils import logging

class State:
    """ Vehicle state without steering angle and velocity. """
    def __init__(self,
                 x: Optional[float] = 0.,
                 y: Optional[float] = 0.,
                 yaw: Optional[float] = 0.) -> None:
        self.update(x, y, yaw)

    def update(self, x: float, y: float, yaw: float) -> None:
        """ Set values. """
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._yaw = yaw

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """ Reset to zeros. """
        self.update(0., 0., 0.)

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """ Convert to numpy. """
        return np.array([self._x, self._y, self._yaw])

    def x(self) -> float:
        """ Position of the car in x-axis. """
        return self._x

    def y(self) -> float:
        """ Position of the car in y-axis. """
        return self._y

    def yaw(self) -> float:
        """ Heading/yaw of the car. """
        return self._yaw

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: ' + \
               f'[{self.x}, {self.y}, {self.yaw}]>'

[docs]class StateDynamics: """ Simple continuous kinematic (bicycle) model of a rear-wheel driven vehicle. Check out Eq.3 in Args: x (float): Position of the car in x-axis. y (float): Position of the car in y-axis. yaw (float): Heading/yaw of the car. steering (float): Steering angle of tires instead of steering wheel. speed (float): Forward speed. steering_bound (list): Upper and lower bound of steering angle. speed_bound (list): Upper and lower bound of speed. wheel_base(float): Wheel base. """ def __init__(self, x: Optional[float] = 0., y: Optional[float] = 0., yaw: Optional[float] = 0., steering: Optional[float] = 0., speed: Optional[float] = 0., steering_bound: Optional[List[float]] = [-0.75, 0.75], speed_bound: Optional[List[float]] = [0., 15.], wheel_base: Optional[float] = 2.8) -> None: self._x = 0. self._y = 0. self._yaw = 0. self._steering = 0. self._speed = 0. self.update(x, y, yaw, steering, speed) self._steering_bound = steering_bound self._speed_bound = speed_bound self._wheel_base = wheel_base
[docs] def step(self, steering_velocity: float, acceleration: float, dt: float, max_steps: Optional[int] = 100) -> np.ndarray: """ Step the vehicle state by solving ODE of the continuous kinematic (bicycle) model. Args: steering_velocity (float): Steering velocity (of tire angle). acceleration (float): Acceleration. dt (float): Elapsed time. max_steps (int): Maximal step to run the ODE solver; default to 100. Returns: np.ndarray: The updated state (x, y, yaw, tire angle, speed). """ # Define dynamics def _ode_func(t, z): _x, _y, _phi, _delta, _v = z u_delta = steering_velocity u_a = acceleration new_z = np.array([ -_v * np.sin(_phi), # swap x-y axis with sign change _v * np.cos(_phi), _v / self._wheel_base * np.tan(_delta), u_delta, u_a ]) return new_z # Solve ODE z_0 = np.array( [self._x, self._y, self._yaw, self._steering, self._speed]) solver = ode_solve.RK45(_ode_func, 0., z_0, dt) steps = 0 while solver.status is 'running' and steps <= max_steps: solver.step() steps += 1 if (dt - solver.t) < 0: logging.error('Reach max steps {} without reaching t_bound ({} < {})'.format( \ max_steps, solver.t, solver.t_bound)) self._x, self._y, self._yaw, self._steering, self._speed = solver.y # Clip by value bounds self._steering = np.clip(self._steering, *self._steering_bound) self._speed = np.clip(self._speed, *self._speed_bound) return self.numpy()
[docs] def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return a numpy array of vehicle state. Returns: np.ndarray: Vehicle state. """ return np.array( [self._x, self._y, self._yaw, self._steering, self._speed])
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a copy. """ return StateDynamics(x=self._x, y=self._y, yaw=self._yaw, steering=self._steering, speed=self._speed)
[docs] def update(self, x: float, y: float, yaw: float, steering: float, speed: float) -> None: """ Set state. Args: x (float): Position of the car in x-axis. y (float): Position of the car in y-axis. yaw (float): Heading/yaw of the car. steering (float): Steering angle of tires instead of steering wheel. speed (float): Forward speed. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._yaw = yaw self._steering = steering self._speed = speed
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset all state to zeros. """ self.update(0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
@property def x(self) -> float: """ Position of the car in x-axis. """ return self._x @property def y(self) -> float: """ Position of the car in y-axis. """ return self._y @property def yaw(self) -> float: """ Heading/yaw of the car. """ return self._yaw @property def steering(self) -> float: """ Steering (tire) angle. """ return self._steering @property def steering_bound(self) -> List[float]: """ Lower and upper bound of steering (tire) angle. """ return self._steering_bound @property def speed(self) -> float: """ Speed. """ return self._speed @property def speed_bound(self) -> List[float]: """ Lower and upper bound of speed. """ return self._speed_bound def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: ' + \ f'[{self.x}, {self.y}, {self.y}, {self.steering}, {self.speed}]>'
[docs]def curvature2tireangle(curvature: float, wheel_base: float) -> float: """ Convert curvature to tire angle. Args: curvature (float): Curvature. wheel_base (float): Wheel base. Returns: float: Tire angle. """ return np.arctan(wheel_base * curvature)
[docs]def tireangle2curvature(tire_angle: float, wheel_base: float) -> float: """ Convert tire angel to curvature. Args: tire_angle (float): Tire angle. wheel_base (float): Wheel base. Returns: float: Curvature. """ return np.tan(tire_angle) / wheel_base
[docs]def curvature2steering(curvature: float, wheel_base: float, steering_ratio: float) -> float: """ Convert curvature to steering angle. Args: curvature (float): Curvature. wheel_base (float): Wheel base. steering_ratio (float): Steering ratio. Returns: float: Steering (wheel) angle. """ tire_angle = curvature2tireangle(curvature, wheel_base) steering = tire_angle * steering_ratio * 180. / np.pi return steering
[docs]def steering2curvature(steering: float, wheel_base: float, steering_ratio: float) -> float: """ Convert steering angle to curvature. Args: steering (float): Steering (wheel) angle. wheel_base (float): Wheel base. steering_ratio (float): Steering ratio. Returns: float: Curvature. """ tire_angle = steering * (np.pi / 180.) / steering_ratio curvature = tireangle2curvature(tire_angle, wheel_base) return curvature
[docs]def update_with_perfect_controller(desired_state: List[float], dt: float, dynamics: StateDynamics) -> None: """ Update vehicle state assuming a perfect low-level controller. This basically simulate that the low-level controller can "instantaneously" achieve the desired state (e.g., steering (tire) angle and speed) with control command (steering velocity and accleration) in vehicle dynamics. Args: desired_state (List[float]): A list of desired vehicle state. dt (float): Elapsed time. dynamics (StateDynamics): Vehicle state. """ # simulate condition when the desired state can be instantaneously achieved new_dyn = dynamics.numpy() new_dyn[-2:] = desired_state dynamics.update(*new_dyn) dynamics.step(0., 0., dt)