Source code for vista.entities.agents.Car

from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Callable
from vista.entities.sensors.EventCamera import EventCamera
import numpy as np
from collections import deque

from .Dynamics import State, StateDynamics, curvature2steering, curvature2tireangle, \
                      tireangle2curvature, update_with_perfect_controller
from ..Entity import Entity

from ..sensors import BaseSensor, Camera, Lidar, EventCamera
from ...core import World, Trace
from ...utils import transform, logging, misc

[docs]class Car(Entity): """ The class of a car agent. This object lives in the :class:`World` and is attached to a trace object that provides pointers to dataset for data-driven simulation and zero or one or more sensor objects that synthesize sensory measurement. The update of vehicle state is handled in this object. Args: world (World): The world that this agent lives in. car_config (Dict): Configuration of the car. An example (default) is, >>> DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'length': 5., 'width': 2., 'wheel_base': 2.78, 'steering_ratio': 14.7, 'lookahead_road': False, 'road_buffer_size': 200, } Example Usage (always make sure reset is called first to initialize vehicle state or pointer to the dataset for data-driven simulation):: >>> car = world.spawn_agent(car_config) >>> car.spawn_camera(camera_config) >>> world.reset() >>> car.step_dynamics(action) # update vehicle states >>> car.step_sensors() # do sensor capture >>> observation = car.observations # fetch sensory measurement >>> car.step_dataset() # simply get next frame in the dataset without synthesis """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'length': 5., 'width': 2., 'wheel_base': 2.78, 'steering_ratio': 14.7, 'lookahead_road': False, 'road_buffer_size': 200, } def __init__(self, world: World, car_config: Dict) -> None: super(Car, self).__init__() # Car configuration car_config = misc.merge_dict(car_config, self.DEFAULT_CONFIG) self._config = car_config # Pointer to the parent vista.World object where the agent lives self._parent: World = world # The trace to be associated with, updated every reset self._trace: Trace = None # A list of sensors attached to this agent (List[vista.Sensor]). self._sensors: List[BaseSensor] = [] # State dynamics for tracking the virtual and human agent self._relative_state: State = State() self._ego_dynamics: StateDynamics = StateDynamics() self._human_dynamics: StateDynamics = StateDynamics() # Properties of a car self._length: float = self.config['length'] self._width: float = self.config['width'] self._wheel_base: float = self.config['wheel_base'] self._steering_ratio: float = self.config['steering_ratio'] self._speed: float = 0. self._curvature: float = 0. self._steering: float = 0. self._tire_angle: float = 0. self._human_speed: float = 0. self._human_curvature: float = 0. self._human_steering: float = 0. self._human_tire_angle: float = 0. self._timestamp: float = 0. self._frame_number: int = 0 self._trace_index: int = 0 self._segment_index: int = 0 self._frame_index: int = 0 self._observations: Dict[str, Any] = dict() self._done: bool = False # Privileged information if self.config['lookahead_road']: road_buffer_size = self.config['road_buffer_size'] self._road: deque[np.ndarray] = deque(maxlen=road_buffer_size) self._road_frame_idcs: deque[int] = deque(maxlen=road_buffer_size) self._road_dynamics: StateDynamics = StateDynamics()
[docs] def spawn_camera(self, config: Dict) -> Camera: """ Spawn and attach a camera to this car. Args: config (Dict): Configuration of camera and rendering. For more details, please check the doc of :class:`Camera` sensor. Returns: Camera: a vista camera sensor object spawned. """ name = config.get('name', None)'Spawn a new camera {name} in car ({})') cam = Camera(attach_to=self, config=config) self._sensors.append(cam) return cam
[docs] def spawn_lidar(self, config: Dict) -> Lidar: """ Spawn and attach a LiDAR to this car. Args: config (Dict): Configuration of LiDAR. For more details, please check the doc of :class:`Lidar` sensor. Returns: Lidar: a vista Lidar sensor object spawned. """ name = config.get('name', None)'Spawn a new lidar {name} in car ({})') lidar = Lidar(attach_to=self, config=config) self._sensors.append(lidar) return lidar
[docs] def spawn_event_camera(self, config: Dict) -> EventCamera: """ Spawn and attach an event camera to this car. Args: config (Dict): Configuration of event camera. For more details, please check the doc of :class:`EventCamera` sensor. Returns: EventCamera: a vista event camera sensor object spawned. """ name = config.get('name', None)'Spawn a new event camera {name} in car ({})') event_cam = EventCamera(attach_to=self, config=config) self._sensors.append(event_cam) return event_cam
[docs] def reset(self, trace_index: int, segment_index: int, frame_index: int, initial_dynamics_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, step_sensors: Optional[bool] = True) -> None: """ Reset the car. This involves pointing to somewhere in the dataset for later-on data-driven simulation, initializing vehicle state, and resetting all sensors attached to this car. If ``lookahead_road = True``, the road cache will also be reset. Args: trace_index (int): A pointer to which trace to be simulated on. segment_index (int): A pointer to which segment in a trace to be simulated on. frame_index (int): A pointer to which frame in a segment to be simulated on. initial_dynamics_fn (Callable): A function to initialize vehicle state. The function takes x, y, yaw, steering (tire angle), and speed as inputs. Default is set to ``None``, which initialize vehicle with the same state as the dataset. step_sensors (bool): Whether to step sensor; default is set to ``True``. """'Car ({}) reset') # Update pointers to dataset self._trace = self.parent.traces[trace_index] self._timestamp = self.trace.get_master_timestamp( segment_index, frame_index) self._frame_number = self.trace.get_master_frame_number( segment_index, frame_index) self._trace_index = trace_index self._segment_index = segment_index self._frame_index = frame_index self._done = False # Reset states and dynamics self._human_speed = self.trace.f_speed(self.timestamp) self._human_curvature = self.trace.f_curvature(self.timestamp) self._human_steering = curvature2steering(self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base, self.steering_ratio) self._human_tire_angle = curvature2tireangle(self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base) self.human_dynamics.update(0., 0., 0., self.human_tire_angle, self.human_speed) initial_dynamics = self.human_dynamics.numpy().copy() if initial_dynamics_fn is not None: initial_dynamics = initial_dynamics_fn(*initial_dynamics) self.ego_dynamics.update(*initial_dynamics) self._speed = self.human_speed self._curvature = self.human_curvature self._steering = self.human_steering self._tire_angle = curvature2tireangle(self.curvature, self.wheel_base) latlongyaw = transform.compute_relative_latlongyaw( self.ego_dynamics.numpy()[:3], self.human_dynamics.numpy()[:3]) self._relative_state.update(*latlongyaw) # Reset for privileged information if hasattr(self, '_road'): self._road.clear() self._road.append(self.human_dynamics.numpy()) self._road_dynamics = self.human_dynamics.copy() self._road_frame_idcs.clear() self._road_frame_idcs.append(self.frame_index) self._update_road() # Reset sensors for sensor in self.sensors: if isinstance( sensor, Camera) and self._trace.multi_sensor.main_camera is None: self._trace.multi_sensor.set_main_sensor('camera', elif isinstance( sensor, Lidar) and self._trace.multi_sensor.main_lidar is None: self._trace.multi_sensor.set_main_sensor('lidar', elif isinstance( sensor, EventCamera ) and self._trace.multi_sensor.main_event_camera is None: self._trace.multi_sensor.set_main_sensor( 'event_camera', sensor.reset() # Update observation if step_sensors: self.step_sensors()
[docs] def step_dataset(self, step_dynamics=True): """ Step through the dataset without rendering. This is basically fetching the next frame from the dataset. Normally, it is called when doing imitation learning. Args: step_dynamics (bool): Whether to update vehicle state; default is set to ``True``. Raises: NotImplementedError: if any attached sensor has no implemented function for stepping through dataset. """'Car ({}) step based on dataset') # Step by incrementing frame number ts = self.timestamp frame_index = self.frame_index + 1 exceed_end, self._timestamp = self.trace.get_master_timestamp( self.segment_index, frame_index, check_end=True) if exceed_end: # trigger trace done terminatal condition self._done = True'Car ({}) exceed the end of trace') else: self._frame_index = frame_index self._frame_number = self.trace.get_master_frame_number( self.segment_index, self.frame_index) self._human_speed = self.trace.f_speed(self.timestamp) self._human_curvature = self.trace.f_curvature(self.timestamp) self._human_steering = curvature2steering(self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base, self.steering_ratio) self._human_tire_angle = curvature2tireangle( self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base) self._speed = self._human_speed self._curvature = self._human_curvature self._steering = self._human_steering self._tire_angle = self._human_tire_angle # Step human dynamics if queried if step_dynamics: current_state = [ curvature2tireangle(self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base), self.human_speed ] update_with_perfect_controller(current_state, self.timestamp - ts, self._human_dynamics) self._ego_dynamics = self.human_dynamics.copy() # Get image frame self._observations = dict() for sensor in self.sensors: if type(sensor) not in [Camera, Lidar, EventCamera]: raise NotImplementedError( f'Sensor {sensor} is not supported in step dataset') self._observations[] = sensor.capture( self.timestamp)
[docs] def step_dynamics(self, action: np.ndarray, dt: Optional[float] = 1 / 30., update_road: Optional[bool] = True) -> None: """ Update vehicle state given control command based on vehicle dynamics and update timestamp, which is then used to update pointer to the dataset for data-driven simulation. Args: action (np.ndarray): Control command (curvature and speed). dt (float): Elapsed time. update_road (bool): Whether to update road cache; default is set to ``True``. """ assert not self.done, 'Agent status is done. Please call reset first.''Car ({}) step dynamics') # Parse action action = np.array(action).reshape(-1) assert action.shape[0] == 2 desired_curvature, desired_speed = action desired_tire_angle = curvature2tireangle(desired_curvature, self.wheel_base) # Run low-level controller and step vehicle dynamics # TODO: non-perfect low-level controller logging.debug('Using perfect low-level controller now') desired_state = [desired_tire_angle, desired_speed] update_with_perfect_controller(desired_state, dt, self._ego_dynamics) # Update based on vehicle dynamics feedback self._tire_angle = self.ego_dynamics.steering self._speed = self.ego_dynamics.speed self._curvature = tireangle2curvature(self.tire_angle, self.wheel_base) self._steering = curvature2steering(self.curvature, self.wheel_base, self.steering_ratio) # Update human (reference) dynamics for assoication with the trace / dataset human = self.human_dynamics.copy() top2_closest = dict(dist=deque([np.inf, np.inf], maxlen=2), dynamics=deque([None, None], maxlen=2), timestamp=deque([None, None], maxlen=2), index=deque([None, None], maxlen=2)) index = self.frame_index ts = self.trace.get_master_timestamp(self.segment_index, index) while True: dist = np.linalg.norm(human.numpy()[:2] - self.ego_dynamics.numpy()[:2]) if dist < top2_closest['dist'][1]: if dist < top2_closest['dist'][0]: top2_closest['dist'].appendleft(dist) top2_closest['dynamics'].appendleft(human.copy()) top2_closest['timestamp'].appendleft(ts) top2_closest['index'].appendleft(index) else: top2_closest['dist'][1] = dist top2_closest['dynamics'][1] = human.copy() top2_closest['timestamp'][1] = ts top2_closest['index'][1] = index else: break next_index = index + 1 * int(np.sign(dt)) exceed_end, next_ts = self.trace.get_master_timestamp( self.segment_index, next_index, check_end=True) if exceed_end: # trigger trace done terminatal condition self._done = True'Car ({}) exceed the end of trace') current_state = [ curvature2tireangle(self.trace.f_curvature(ts), self.wheel_base), self.trace.f_speed(ts) ] update_with_perfect_controller(current_state, next_ts - ts, human) index = next_index ts = next_ts self._human_dynamics = top2_closest['dynamics'][0].copy() self._frame_index = top2_closest['index'][0] self._frame_number = self.trace.get_master_frame_number( self.segment_index, self.frame_index) # Update timestamp based on where the car position is with respect to # course distance of trace (may not be exactly the same as any of # timestamps in the dataset) latlongyaw_closest = transform.compute_relative_latlongyaw( self.ego_dynamics.numpy()[:3], top2_closest['dynamics'][0].numpy()[:3]) latlongyaw_second_closest = transform.compute_relative_latlongyaw( self.ego_dynamics.numpy()[:3], top2_closest['dynamics'][1].numpy()[:3]) ratio = abs(latlongyaw_second_closest[1]) / ( abs(latlongyaw_closest[1]) + abs(latlongyaw_second_closest[1])) self._timestamp = (ratio * top2_closest['timestamp'][0] + (1. - ratio) * top2_closest['timestamp'][1]) # Update human control based on current timestamp self._human_speed = self.trace.f_speed(self.timestamp) self._human_curvature = self.trace.f_curvature(self.timestamp) self._human_steering = curvature2steering(self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base, self.steering_ratio) self._human_tire_angle = curvature2tireangle(self.human_curvature, self.wheel_base) # Update relative transformation between human and ego dynamics self._relative_state.update(*latlongyaw_closest) # Update privileged information (in global coordinates) if update_road and hasattr(self, '_road'): self._update_road()
[docs] def step_sensors(self) -> None: """ Update sensor measurement given current state of the vehicle. """'Car ({}) step sensors') self._observations = dict() for sensor in self.sensors: self._observations[] = sensor.capture(self.timestamp)
def _update_road(self) -> None: exceed_end = False get_timestamp = lambda _idx: self.trace.get_master_timestamp( self.segment_index, _idx, check_end=True) while self._road_frame_idcs[-1] < ( self.frame_index + self._road.maxlen / 2.) and not exceed_end: exceed_end, ts = get_timestamp(self._road_frame_idcs[-1]) self._road_frame_idcs.append(self._road_frame_idcs[-1] + 1) exceed_end, next_ts = get_timestamp(self._road_frame_idcs[-1]) state = [ curvature2tireangle(self.trace.f_curvature(ts), self.wheel_base), self.trace.f_speed(ts) ] update_with_perfect_controller(state, next_ts - ts, self._road_dynamics) self._road.append(self._road_dynamics.numpy()) @property def trace(self) -> Trace: """ The :class:`Trace` currently associated with the car. """ return self._trace @property def sensors(self) -> List[BaseSensor]: """ All sensors attached to this car. """ return self._sensors @property def relative_state(self) -> State: """ Relative transform between ``ego_dynamics`` and ``human_dynamics``. """ return self._relative_state @property def ego_dynamics(self) -> StateDynamics: """ Current simulated vehicle state. """ return self._ego_dynamics @property def human_dynamics(self) -> StateDynamics: """ Vehicle state of the current pointer to the dataset (human trajectory). """ return self._human_dynamics @property def length(self) -> float: """ Car length. """ return self._length @property def width(self) -> float: """ Car width. """ return self._width @property def wheel_base(self) -> float: """ Wheel base. """ return self._wheel_base @property def steering_ratio(self) -> float: """ Steering ratio. """ return self._steering_ratio @property def speed(self) -> float: """ Speed of simulated trajectory (this car) in current timestamp. """ return self._speed @property def curvature(self) -> float: """ Curvature of simulated trajectory (this car) in current timestamp. """ return self._curvature @property def steering(self) -> float: """ Steering angle of simulated trajectory (this car) in current timestamp. """ return self._steering @property def tire_angle(self) -> float: """ Tire angle of simulated trajectory (this car) in current timestamp. """ return self._tire_angle @property def human_speed(self) -> float: """ Speed of human trajectory in current timestamp. """ return self._human_speed @property def human_curvature(self) -> float: """ Curvature of human trajectory in current timestamp. """ return self._human_curvature @property def human_steering(self) -> float: """ Steering angle of human trajectory in current timestamp. """ return self._human_steering @property def human_tire_angle(self) -> float: """ Tire angle of human trajectory in current timestamp. """ return self._human_tire_angle @property def timestamp(self) -> float: """ Current timestamp (normally ROS timestamp). This serves as a continuous pointer to the dataset as opposed to ``trace_index``, ``segment_index``, and ``frame_index``. """ return self._timestamp @property def frame_number(self) -> int: """ Current frame number. Note that this is different from ``frame_index`` as it is a different pointer based on how we define frame in the ``master_sensor`` instead of a pointer to the dataset. There is only one unique pointer to the dataset, which can be mapped to (potentially) different pointers to the frame number in different sensors. """ return self._frame_number @property def trace_index(self) -> int: """ Current pointer to the trace. """ return self._trace_index @property def segment_index(self) -> int: """ Current pointer to the segment in the current trace. """ return self._segment_index @property def frame_index(self) -> int: """ Current pointer to the frame in the current segment. """ return self._frame_index @property def observations(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Sensory measurement at current timestamp. """ return self._observations @property def done(self) -> bool: """ Whether exceeding the end of the trace currently associated with the car. """ return self._done @property def road(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Road cache if ``lookahead_road = True`` otherwise ``None``. """ return np.array(self._road) if hasattr(self, '_road') else None @property def config(self) -> Dict: """ Configuration of this car. """ return self._config def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} (id={})> ' + \ f'width: {self.width} ' + \ f'length: {self.length} ' + \ f'wheel_base: {self.wheel_base} ' + \ f'steering_ratio: {self.steering_ratio} ' + \ f'speed: {self.speed} ' + \ f'curvature: {self.curvature} '